Removable Dental Veneers - Snap On Smile

R$ 80,90

Em até 12x de R$ 8,20

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Are you no longer ashamed to smile because you don't like your teeth? Don't hide your joy of life anymore thanks to Snap N' Smile!

Snap N' Smile helps you regain your self-confidence and instantly gives you the appearance of perfect teeth! All with incredible comfort.... You'll be proud of your smile!

A custom mold to disguise curves, stains, missing teeth and gapped teeth for an incredibly perfect smile (fits any jaw by dental nanotechnology system)

New technologies have made removable dental veneers terribly affordable.

Snap N' Smile is very thin and extremely durable. It adapts perfectly to your teeth to give you a beautiful natural smile.

Its components are of the highest quality and no dental consultation is required! It is FDA-designed and can be mounted on crowns or veneers.

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